Thursday, October 18, 2018

Kelowna - Our Future City!

This video, presented by Aplin Martin, gives a glimpse into what the future of Downtown Kelowna could look like. The future build out follows the City of Kelowna’s Official Community Plan for C7 zoning. We have assumed lot consolidation and and form and character (and of course a second bridge crossing!). All massing within the C7 zoning boundaries is geographically referenced and have a podium height between 4-6 stories and a building height between 12-38 stories (allowance for few variations to the permissible height under C7). The video cycles through The current landscape (Existing), in stream (Pending) applications with actual models (Revit, skp, Rhino and others), and what is to come (Future). Based on the City of Kelowna’s projected need of 1100 new multi family dwelling units per year moving forward, and assuming C7 zoning will house 25% of the projected growth, this is what Downtown Kelowna could look like in approximately 30-40 years!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Residential Prices Inch up Despite Fewer Sales

Despite slower sales activity of 585 residential sales in September compared to 709 the previous month and 740 last year, average price across the region of Revelstoke to Peachland inched up 5% over August and 8% over last September, reports the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB).
Visit: for full details.